Turning January Blues into January Bliss

We’re halfway through January 2023, and today is Blue Monday, considered to be the most depressing day of the year. The buzz of Christmas and the New Year is over, we’re back to work, many of us are doing Dry January or watching our diet after weeks of indulgence, and there isn’t really anything on the immediate horizon to look forward to. The weather and the shorter days in the northern hemisphere don’t seem to be playing ball either. And essentially, we’re all feeling like we’re in a bit of a funk.

So how do we turn our January blues into January bliss? Here are some tips to get through the rest of the month.

1. Self-Care: January is the perfect time to slow it down a little and focus on yourself. Perhaps the end of the year was hectic with deadlines at work, and busy social lives. Or if you have kids, all of that plus all children’s school activities and you’re generally feeling a bit run down after running on adrenaline for some time! Now is the right time to slow down your weekend plans, practice that meditation routine you have been planning on for a while, try a new recipe for Saturday night in, or just lounge in your pyjamas with a good book.

 2. Freshen up your home: A new year a new home? Well not literally, but with the post-Christmas sales, there is always a great opportunity to add a new piece to your home. Be that new cushions or new bed linen, or even some flowers, brightening up your living space can be just the change you need to deal with the blues. And if new cushions is not your thing, how about moving some furniture around to change it up a bit?

3. Exercise: New Year Resolution or not, working out is a great mood lifter. Exercise releases endorphins in our body which not only makes us feel brighter but also better about ourselves. Whether you’re into yoga at home or going to the gym, January is the perfect time to focus on exercise and eating better.

4. Plan something fun: Just because Christmas break is over doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun. There is still plenty going on, such as ice skating or going for long walks in the countryside. How about a family bike ride on a weekend morning? Or if you’re like me, planning holidays for the rest of the year! It’s always great to have something more than the usual to do or to look forward to.

In short, there are some easy ways to banish those blues, and get amped up for the year ahead. But if duvet days are your thing, then that’s ok too! Check out our range of PJ sets and bedding to help you enjoy those sofa lounging moments this Jan!

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